Thanks to those who replied. I have put server 1 parent etc including weight and parent 2 etc. If I comment out the 1st one then it gets it from number 2 without changing number 2 setup but if I leave number 1 in then nothing comes from 2. I only have a connection to number 2 sometimes but I have a connection to 1 98% of the time but this one sometimes can't contact its upline so I was trying to put a backup method in. I run version 1 beta 17 I think. Here is a copy of the original message. I have my Squid talking to a Squid upline and it fetches all the requests from there. I have the ability to connect to another proxie on 8080 but I don't know if its a squid at the same time some of the time. That is Number one parent is available all the time and number 2 is available some of the time. Is it possible to set up a configeration so my squid trys to query both and can retrieve from both but doesn't get upset when number to is unreachable? If so how do I do it. EMAIL: WWW: *TRY OUR SALES-NET * SEND MAIL TO * for info* (D)inner not ready: (A)bort (R)etry (P)izza