While trying to retrieve the URL: https://epostleser.nextel.no/tekst.html
The following error was encountered:
Unsupported Request Method and Protocol
Squid does not support all request methods for all access protocols. For example, you can not POST a Gopher request.
Have seen similar for other https urls. Is this a bug or a misconfiguration?
Aditional Info:
Netscape4.05 clien
Squid/2.0.PATCH2 Sparc/Sollaris2.6
Addr: Pål Baltzersen, ElTele Øst AS, Sandakervn. 114B, N-0483 Oslo.
Phone: +47 23 18 10 00 Direct: +47 23 18 11 74
fax: +47 23 18 10 01 Mobile: +47 93 08 11 74
mail: pb@ost.eltele.no pal.baltzersen@ost.eltele.no
Received on Thu Oct 29 1998 - 08:29:36 MST
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