Transparent Proxy with Cisco

From: Faez Itrat <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 20:26:05 +0500

   am trying to implement transparent proxy using Cisco, i'm running
squid2.2 Stable5 on Sun Box, the problem we r getting is that although
matches r coming on route-map in Cisco but we r unable to see any
matches on squid(ipnat) for this route map, my config is given below, if
anyone can help me regarding this i would be highly obliged

  permit tcp any any eq www
    permit tcp any any eq ftp
    permit tcp any any eq www established
    permit tcp any any eq ftp established

   route-map quickacx permit 1
  Match clauses:
    ip address (access-lists): <as above>
  Set clauses:
    ip next-hop <Proxy-IP>

thanx in advance
Received on Thu Nov 25 1999 - 08:35:52 MST

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