Re: Squid and Virus Stuff

From: Craig Fels <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 08:24:31 -0500

Trend Micro has a Proxy Server Antivirus program and a Linux Antivirus
program. I'm not sure if the Proxy will work with squid, but possibly the
Linux one will do the trick.

check out

I'm going to see if this works also..just haven't had the time yet.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Leonardo Rodrigues" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 6:51 AM
Subject: Squid and Virus Stuff

> People, I used to work with M$-Proxy, running on Windows NT ( of course ).
> I just liked one thing on that combination: I had A LOT of server-based
> antivirus to run, and protect my network from virus coming from Internet
> installing the server antivirus on the Web Proxy. Let´s forget about mail
> stuff, let´s just talk about www infected files.
> But now I´m running Linux with Squid, I seem to not have an online
> antivirus option to run on it, so I have to get an antivirus running on
> EACH machine, and updating all of them is very difficult.
> Question: Is there any way to get some Linux Antivirus running with Squid,
> just like I could do with NetShield/Norton and M$-Proxy ???
> Hope hearing from you soon,
> Leonardo Rodrigues
Received on Mon Jul 03 2000 - 07:29:41 MDT

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