next step:
let me know the configuration you wish to have between your 2 proxies:
I want to all queries be forwarded to
i should mention that I think your problem arises in your parent definition,
also you didn't enable the never_direct tag,
answer the above question and I'll send you the correct squid.conf
Best Regards
Mehrdad Fatemi
R&D Director
< AFRANET Co. ---------------------------- R&D Dept. >
-----Original Message-----
From: Jos_Pedro_Ribeiro <>
To: <>;
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 9:19 PM
Subject: RE: Sqid Problem
Hi again! Thanks for the quick reply. Here's my squid.conf file and also the
message in cache.log.
By the way, i got a dns_children unreognized error in the squid.out file
when i tried to change this parameter to dns_children 7. Also if i use top
to see the memory usage of squid it appears to be still ( using oinly 2,1%
of the memory and 0% of cpu) even when i use as a proxy server. One last
thing, when i installed squid, stpe by step according to the manual, i
noticed that there was not script in /etc/rc.d/ini.t, so if i shutdown the
machine it won't restart automatically.
Pedro Ribeiro
-----Original Message-----
From: fatemi []
Sent: ter�a-feira, 25 de Julho de 2000 17:19
To: Jos� Pedro Ribeiro
Subject: Re: Sqid Problem
lets go step by step,
let me know your cache.log messages when squid is starting up
also let me have your squid.conf,
Best Regards
Mehrdad Fatemi
R&D Director
< AFRANET Co. ---------------------------- R&D Dept. >
-----Original Message-----
From: Jos� Pedro Ribeiro <>
To: '' <>
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:34 PM
Subject: Sqid Problem
>Hi! I'm a squid users list member and i'm only using a different email to
>contact you because i've sent some emails lately to the list and got no
>response. I've set up a proxy server using squid-2.3.STABLE3, Redhat6.2 and
>it's meant to substitute the one we're using now, but i can' t procceed to
>this before i garantee that it's working fine; so i tried using some hosts
>to test the new server but, the results are awful. Most of the pages take
>long to load and the connection gets timed out. I don't know if this is a
>DNS problem, or if it's because i'm using a proxy server to access data
>through another proxy server ( also running squid ), but i was looking
>through the emails on the list and saw your answer to nazila and decided to
>contact you. I also tired using top to see how much memory was being use by
>squid, but to my surprise there's no record of a squid proccess running (
>maybe it's because no host is accessing through it). Can you help on this
>transmition problem?
>Thanks in advance.
> Pedro Ribeiro
Received on Tue Jul 25 2000 - 16:14:12 MDT
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