Well I got it working, as I hang my head in shame. I needed to make 2
changes to the configuration file.
1. Add port 8080 as an "acl Safe_ports port 8080 # http"
2. And follow Henrik's instructions and configured http_access to allow
access to the accelerated sites.
Once I did these 2 things, everything worked as expected. Thanks for
your help and patience with this.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacobson, Martin C.
> Sent: Monday, June 18, 2007 9:30 AM
> To: squid-users@squid-cache.org
> Subject: RE: [squid-users] Redirecting to different server
> basedonURLpattern
> Hi,
> I am now so confused over how to get a simple httpd-accelerator to
work in
> 2.6. When I go to lindev2o:8080 with my browser, I want the squid
> accelerator to proxy googleapp2o:80. To do this, I have tried a
number of
> different configurations following the example in http://wiki.squid-
> cache.org/SquidFaq/ReverseProxy and none of them worked. This is what
> now have which does not work.
> http_port lindev2o.lab.ismc.intelink.gov:8080 accel
> cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver
> proxy-only
> In my squid logs I see:
> "TCP_DENIED/403 1488 GET http://lindev2o.lab.ismc.intelink.gov/ -
> text/html" when I go to http://lindev2o.lab.ismc.intelink.gov:8080/ in
> browser.
> It appears to me that squid is looping back on itself instead of being
> proxy for my Google appliance defined in the cache_peer directive. Is
> there another flag that I should be using or do I have something
> misconfigured?
> Jake
Received on Mon Jun 18 2007 - 08:14:51 MDT
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