Re: [squid-users] Capitalisation and Usernames

From: Henrik Nordstrom <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:44:08 +0200

ons 2007-06-27 klockan 15:43 +1000 skrev Matthew Smith:

> I have a site that is using NTLM authentication (using samba's ntlm
> helper). They use a mix of upper and lower case for their usernames in
> Active Directory, eg: Matthew.Smith. The system controls access by way
> of userlists written out in lower case, eg: matthew.smith.

How are these lists defined?

If you are using Samba then I suppose there is a Windows domain around
somewhere. Would it make sense to have these "userlists" defined as
Windows domain groups instead?

> I am finding that when users authenticate with mixed case they do not
> get effected by limits like reply_max_size and delay pools. Is this
> expected? should my user lists match case with active directory? Can I
> force squid to treat Matthew.Smith as matthew.smith?

acl some_users proxy_auth -i "/path/to/list/of/someusers.txt"

ís one way..

The Windows domain group membership acl helper is also case-insensitive.


Received on Wed Jun 27 2007 - 01:44:16 MDT

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